5 Diets That Cause Belly Fat

To achieve a flat belly is a dream but what stops us from gaining it is the food we consume. To shed the excessive fat deposit at the abdomen, here are five food items that we need to keep at bay.

Baked Goods

If obtaining a flat belly is your aim, eliminate baked food from your diet. Though convenient and delicious, high-carb foods are packed with refined sugars and preservatives. Low in nutritious content, it does not just harm your goal to gain fat belly but also can cause serious health concerns.

Sweeteners and Added Sugar

These can instantly feel delicious and can revive you up, but will have a long-lasting negative impact on the body. Sweeteners and added sugar can accumulate fat around the belly. All packed items should be carefully checked before consumption as they may have a high dose of added sugar, though labeled as ‘healthy’.


Wait a minute before you raise the drink. Like sugar, you should stay away from alcohol as well if you are health-conscious. Alcohol can feel you bloated and puffy and will cause your tummy to gain fat around it. In spite of beer claiming to have low alcohol needs to be avoided as its calorie level is high and nutritional value is nil. You cannot gain a flat tummy until you keep all sorts of alcoholic beverages away, including beer.

Rib-eye Steak

Contrary to the popular belief, steaks are not a healthy option if losing fat around the belly is your goal. Recent studies have revealed that a diet rich in fatty, fresh red meat is positively associated with abdominal obesity and larger waist circumference.

Canned Soup

If you believe canned soup is a healthy diet, it is time to break the myth. Most canned soups have a high level of sodium and not only cause belly bloat but will also enhance your appetite and hinder the ability to know when you’re full.

Other food stuff that contributes to belly fat includes salty snacks, alcohol, breakfast pastries, fried foods, and milk and other dairy options.

Author: Dr. Anil Date, MD | Dr2bThin – A medically supervised weight loss program. In case of any queries please contact/write back to us at doctor@dr2bthin.com

Published by dr2bthinweb

Dr. Anil Date, MD | Dr2bThin - A medically supervised weight loss program. In case of any queries please contact/write back to us at doctor@dr2bthin.com.

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